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Dear Red Angus Friends

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 49th Annual Loosli Red Angus Production Sale. We appreciate the many years of support and owe our customers and fellow cattlemen a special thank you! We are reminded daily how fortunate we are to be involved in the cattle business and count this as one of our many blessings.

Being part of the ever-growing Red Angus breed is something we take great pride in. We have been continually striving to improve our herd, being consistent yet progressive, because your satisfaction is our continued success.

We are in some interesting times throughout the world, and this affects the cattle industry. However, the Red Angus Breed continues to move forward and lead the industry with tremendous interest and demand. Red Angus cattle have proven themselves with low-maintenance, high fertility/maternal qualities, calving ease, and of course, great dispositions. These many natural advantages have contributed to the tremendous growth in the Red Angus breed. This is where you can count on our program to improve genetics and help you remain profitable. We want to increase value to your herd…not low-cost production or high-cost production, but rather, efficient production to wean more calves.

We have put together a very solid set of bulls this year with genetics from breed-influencing sires and dams. This bull offering features some exciting genetics with the numbers to match. You will notice the select, well- known sires in the pedigree charts. Their outstanding traits are carrying through to our herd as anticipated. This group of bulls has something that will benefit any cattle operation. We have several top-notch herd bull prospects along with bulls that you can use on your heifers. Look over the bulls traits and add them to your herd. Then there is …Balance! We strive for balance because bulls that are balanced in many areas are more profitable. It comes down to the bottom line.

The Red Angus replacement heifers are some of the fastest growing components of the beef business. They have been labeled as the Most-Favored Female and are renowned for their longevity in the herd. Rebuilding and maintaining a great herd begins with replacement heifers, so we make sure our sale heifers have outstanding combinations of great mothering traits, natural muscle, wide tops, great udders, and of course, sound disposition. You will love our excellent selection of 80 stylish heifers.

See these outstanding traits for yourself as we run the bulls and heifers through the sale ring. Come view the cattle any time before the sale or watch the online videos on our website. We have people to assist you and thank our hard-working ranch hands that help perform valuable day-to-day tasks!

We are extremely proud of our sale selection this year and welcome your calls to discuss your cattle needs. Please look through the catalog and visit our website at to view pictures, videos, and current EPDs of our powerful genetics.

We want to invite you to our ranch in Ashton, Idaho, on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, to have a delicious lunch and be part of this great sale. You can also watch/bid online through LiveAuctions.TV.

Thank you,

Brian and Karen Loosli & Family